Of course, the CPU didn’t have that issue.

I even dialed back the difficulty, and JLTF gave me fits with it’s sludge-like speed and moves that consistently seemed to miss the mark. On top of that, the game seems overly hard. Cause man, it seems like there aren’t too many. Well, I should clarify that – it’s odd to pull off what special moves there are. But on top of that, it’s hard to pull off special moves correctly. The game plays at an odd pace to begin with, it’s sluggish. Justice League Task Force’s controls aren’t horrible, but they are a little clunky. Despair(o) at these clunky controls and brutal difficulty Multiplayer modes meanwhile, give you Cheetah, Desparo, and the lord of Apokalips itself – Darkseid. That’s right down there with some of the oldest fighters, like Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat (the first one). But you kind of have to keep in mind that expansive selections of playable characters wasn’t really common practice in the mid-nineties.īut while the classic fighters I mentioned might’ve managed to overcome limited character options with some great gameplay, JLTF doesn’t. Yes, nine. In total you get Flash, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Green Arrow in the campaign. That’s because there are a total of nine. Let’s start off with a look at the roster, because it’s easily one of the most disappointing things about JLTF. Because while a bunch of 2D fighting games from the 16bit era have aged startlingly well, this one… hasn’t. But that’s where the comparisons come to an end. Much like the aforementioned, Justice League Task Force stars a selection of DC characters, and is a one-on-one fighting game.

Or maybe you’re just playing the heck out of it, blasting your way what’s a phenomenal lineup of DC Comics heroes and villains. You might have read our review of NetherRealm’s Injustice 2 which hit consoles last week. The original DC Comics fighting game, Justice League Task Force doesn’t quite hit the quality level of Injustice.